Gravity - User Reviews

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4.12 / 5

User rating: 4.12

Based on 5342 votes and 2340 reviews

  • User rating: 4.12 40.32%
  • User rating: 4.12 40.25%
  • User rating: 4.12 13.42%
  • User rating: 4.12 2.64%
  • User rating: 4.12 3.37%

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Showing 1201 to 1250 of 2340

User review rating: 3 November 19, 2013

Good graphic tech with computer gen images. Acting stretched with situation.

User review rating: 2 November 18, 2013

We found the plot unbelievable and that took away from enjoying the film. Did not like Sandra's performance.

User review rating: 5 November 16, 2013

It is a great movie, which I would recommend to my friends.

User review rating: 3 November 18, 2013

Good acting but not overly exciting. Was good to see it on the big screen for the effects, but likely would not see it again.

User review rating: 4 November 24, 2013

GRAVITY We saw the film Gravity last night in 3D, and the effect was invisibly immersive. Near Earth space is portrayed exquisitely beautifully. The visuals look and feel viscerally real. The circumstances, although extreme, are certainly possible. The movie is only 90 minutes long - exactly the amount of time it takes for orbiting spacecraft like the ISS to complete one orbit around the planet. In essence, the film-makers have presented the events of the story in real time. These events commence at the beginning of one orbit and conclude upon completion and the beginning of the next. Yet it isn't the physics of being in "outer" space that make the story of the two main characters

User review rating: 5 November 21, 2013

Amazing FX! The acting was really good as well

User review rating: 4 November 20, 2013

For centuries humans have lived under the solopsistic assumption that the Universe they live in has been designed with them in mind. But truth is that the Universe is a truly inhospitable place, and, if anything, our existence is mere happenstance, and Gravity illustrates that beautifully. Starring George Clooney and Sandra Bullock as NASA astronauts, Cuaron sucks you in from the first shot: A long shot of Earth as a space shuttle eventually makes its way into the frame, ending up in a close shot. Filming in 3-D, Cuaron captures the immense and deafening silence of space, the floating motion of zero gravity, along with the hopelessness that you would feel if you ever got stranded in space

User review rating: 5 November 17, 2013

This movie had great special effects. Sandra Bullock was perfect in the role.

User review rating: 4 November 20, 2013

very well done and very interesting

User review rating: 3 November 18, 2013

Weak and predictable story line with best feature of movie being the special effects. Acting was OK , at best. Difficult to feel empathetic for the characters.

User review rating: 3 November 23, 2013

pas pire pas pire paspire pas pire

User review rating: 3 November 23, 2013

excellent special visual effects...Sandra was great but below par was George clooney

User review rating: 3 November 18, 2013

George Clooney is past prime

User review rating: 5 November 24, 2013

The movie has amazing special effects.

User review rating: 4 November 16, 2013

i think this moving is very good it keeps you in suspence and wondering what is going to happen next.

User review rating: 3 November 19, 2013

A far reaching movie that leaves you sitting on the edge of your seat.

User review rating: 4 November 21, 2013

The special effects are great !

User review rating: 5 November 17, 2013

hot in spaceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

User review rating: 4 November 17, 2013

This movie is visually nice and the story is good. I think the movie was more made to be visual than have a great storyline, still an all round good movie.

User review rating: 5 November 19, 2013

Absolutely stunning! Best seen with Imax 3D.

User review rating: 4 November 17, 2013

George Clooney did an amazing job acting! Filled with action and suspense, it is worth the money. WOW!

User review rating: 5 November 17, 2013

What an excellent movie, just love Sandra Bullock

User review rating: 4 November 17, 2013

very exciting right threw the whole movie and would watch it again

User review rating: 4 November 17, 2013

Seems like this could really happen.

User review rating: 4 November 16, 2013

This movie will keep you in the edge of your seats I think though the whole movie

User review rating: 4 November 23, 2013

Love Bullock and Clooney together. Was very well done.

User review rating: 5 November 21, 2013

Excellent movie...sanda B shines in this movie..well worth the watch!

User review rating: 5 November 17, 2013

Excellent show, held my attention

User review rating: 4 November 16, 2013


User review rating: 3 November 17, 2013

I enjoyed the movie, but I think that George Clooney could have been used a little longer in the movie.

User review rating: 5 November 19, 2013

I had no real expectations, i figure it was going to be almost entirely s silent movie...boy was i wrong! absolutely amazing movie, only at the end did i realize they're were only 2 characters in the entire movie! watched with such intensity and awe, laughed, jumped, cringed, and cried...doesn't get better then that! Gravity is a must see!

User review rating: 5 November 21, 2013

I loved it I laughed I cried I lost 5 pounds i highly recommend it

User review rating: 4 November 16, 2013

great - suspensful and unique story line. good acting too.

User review rating: 4 November 24, 2013

Awesome movie. Like really being in space!

User review rating: 5 November 22, 2013

it was simply amazing to watch

User review rating: 5 November 24, 2013

Excellent movie...I totally enjoyed it

User review rating: 5 November 16, 2013

Amazing scenes of space awesomeness!

User review rating: 3 November 16, 2013

The graphics and visuals were absolutely stunning and top notch. But Sandra Bullock gasped way too much and it wasn't that believable. A lot of spinning in the visuals actually made me queasy. George Clooney was too jovial - especially for someone who knows he's going to die in space. They are talking Oscars all around, but it definitely wasn't the best movie I've ever seen, nor the story. I just didn't feel scared out for the characters or for dying in space. It's just unrealistic; I'll never get to space so why should I be afraid of that concept??

User review rating: 5 November 18, 2013

Excellent movie! Really enjoyed it!

User review rating: 4 November 20, 2013

Great movie with super stars George Clooney and Sandra Bullock. Lots of suspense and emotion. Special effects are tremendous - shots of the heavens and sunrises on the horizon. A must see movie that really should be seen on the Big Screen to appreciate the full affect.

User review rating: 5 November 16, 2013

I really enjoyed the movie- it has fantastic special effects and lots of action along with a good story line.

User review rating: 4 November 20, 2013

surprisingly tense...see it!

User review rating: 5 November 19, 2013

This is a great movie...Sandra B shines as usual in her character

User review rating: 5 November 19, 2013

I love that film is so interesting and immidiatly im in the history !

User review rating: 4 November 22, 2013

The film seems exciting because we do not know what will happen. Very good choice of actors.

User review rating: 4 November 19, 2013

I really enjoyed the movie and had fun.

User review rating: 3 November 22, 2013

I like 3D and IMAX 3D movies normally but this one was average.

User review rating: 4 November 24, 2013

Greast outer space special effects with a good storyline and cast

User review rating: 1 November 21, 2013

I know this movie is getting good reviews but I don't know what was so good about it?? I was extremely dissappointed

User review rating: 4 November 22, 2013

Amazing concept - good movie

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