Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga - User Reviews

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3.59 / 5

User rating: 3.59

Based on 98 votes and 29 reviews

  • User rating: 3.59 51.02%
  • User rating: 3.59 10.20%
  • User rating: 3.59 4.08%
  • User rating: 3.59 16.33%
  • User rating: 3.59 18.37%

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Showing 1 to 29 of 29

User review rating: 3 August 09, 2024

The machine learning AI of Joy was fantastic, but the story got convoluted and disorganize and we both lost track of people and where they were.

User review rating: 1 July 24, 2024

Every movie here is an all time great, loved by both audiences, and critics alike. Almost exactly perfect scores for everything? This site is joke and obviously for sale to studios and theaters. How can one take anything here seriously? You can't. Bought and sold, through and through.

User review rating: 2 June 25, 2024

It's not as bad as the previous one, but only a little better.

User review rating: 5 June 18, 2024

Best movie of the year.

User review rating: 2 June 15, 2024

Hollywood has had a tough year. If they could ever get clear of the propaganda mill, and return to the normal world of the majority to create entertainment for I think it would help. They are making Goebbles look like a rank amateur with their non-stop mind meld.

User review rating: 5 June 12, 2024

What a movie. Skip Bad Boys, Furiosa is an event.

User review rating: 5 June 05, 2024

Chris was off the charts good, and amazing action.

User review rating: 5 June 04, 2024

great movie

User review rating: 1 June 03, 2024

Looks more like a PS5 video. Did Disney buy this franchise too? I just watched the trailer and will never see this computer generated video. You would need to pay me to sit through this and I just finished binge watching the Mad Max series of movies. Go figure...

User review rating: 5 June 01, 2024

I loved this movie. Some people come on here and give a bad review because they wish their favorite movies were as good as this.

User review rating: 1 May 31, 2024

Looking across the spectrum of movies offered this year, this has to be the worst run in modern history. Let's look back and pick a year say 2001, we had Lord of Rings, Harry Potter, Shrek, Monster's Inc, Mullholland drive etc all playing at the same time. In 1984 we had Amadeus, Footloose, Gremlins, Karate Kid, Ghostbusters, Beverly Hills Cop, The Killing Fields and on and on, Many many great years of movies. This season can be summed up with this stillborn sequel. Dudapalooza.

User review rating: 1 May 31, 2024

Yeah, not worth your time or the brain cells.

User review rating: 4 May 31, 2024

Cool post-apo movie with a main female character who is finally written like a normal human being, not a Mary Sue. Nice worldbuilding, stunts and vehicles and character designs. Chris Hemsworth steals the show as the crazy villain Dementus. The CGI stood out too much when compared to Mad Max: Fury Road though. Also the story is not that tight because it shows chapters from several parts of Furiosas´s life. But the dividing into chapters fits the western vibes well - it is a revenge story.

User review rating: 5 May 30, 2024

Some are saying "worst movie ever" and all I can say is LOL. Way better than The Avengers.

User review rating: 1 May 29, 2024

Worst movie ever. All the constant motion made me sick and and the flimsy plot was stupid.

User review rating: 5 May 29, 2024

Anyone who doesn't like this is probably an Avengers fan.

User review rating: 2 May 28, 2024

Ho hum. The violence can be excused. Mad Max is like that. Chris Hemsworth's character is worth a look. Somehow he was an amusing smart ass in a very lifeless world. Outside of him, the best part was the shiny truck near the end.

User review rating: 5 May 27, 2024

Great movie perfect addition to Fury Road!

User review rating: 2 May 25, 2024

Mostly crap now at the movies

User review rating: 4 May 25, 2024

Creative, fun, good characters. But, yes, a tad too long

User review rating: 2 May 24, 2024

More of the same for the Waterworld crowd.

User review rating: 5 May 23, 2024


User review rating: 2 May 18, 2024

I wasn't planning on seeing this as I didn't care for the fourth movie at all, but a friend had passes so off we went. There's no attempt to tell a coherent story and the listless performances leave us without a single interesting character to care about. It would have been better for the series to go out on a high if producers couldn't persuade Mr. Gibson to continue beyond Thunderdome. As it stands, Furiosa makes for an unpleasant and unnecessary addition to this summer's slate of tired and complacent sequels.

User review rating: 5 May 17, 2024

Paging Anya Taylor-Joy! AMAZING!

User review rating: 5 May 16, 2024

Paging Anya Taylor-Joy! AMAZING!

User review rating: 1 May 16, 2024

Paging Mel Gibson...

User review rating: 5 April 19, 2024


User review rating: 5 January 12, 2024

Chris Hemsworth as a villain fun to see, excited to see

User review rating: 1 December 05, 2023

more woke garbage

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