For Prophet - User Reviews

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  • User rating: 5 0.00%
  • User rating: 5 0.00%
  • User rating: 5 0.00%

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User review rating: 5 July 02, 2024

I liked the entire movie. The plot, the actors were realistic and did a great job. The music flowed in the background. I can't stop thinking about how often I hear voices of condemnation in my own head. Listening to the good voice is easier after watching this movie. Thank you for each and every one of those involved in this production.

User review rating: 5 June 18, 2024

Realistic, sincere characters in a small USA town, deal with real modern day issues like homelessness and political apathy in a way that makes it hard not to believe in angels... and demons... and the power of faith.

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