Eragon - User Reviews

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3.88 / 5

User rating: 3.88

Based on 3893 votes and 185 reviews

  • User rating: 3.88 53.74%
  • User rating: 3.88 11.90%
  • User rating: 3.88 16.14%
  • User rating: 3.88 4.78%
  • User rating: 3.88 13.44%

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Showing 51 to 100 of 185

User review rating: 0 January 22, 2007

i loved this film even after i read the book excellent!!!

User review rating: 0 January 21, 2007

It was a good movie, but it didnt follow the book that well. It had almost everything that happened in the book in the movie, but it didnt happen in the right order. In Eldest I hope that they follow the book better, everyone will like it much better.

User review rating: 0 January 19, 2007

this was the best movie i have ever seen!!!! (can you make more please??) saphira#2

User review rating: 0 January 17, 2007

eragon is the best movie i have seen so far the boy witch grows up with a dragon is cute i would seeing over and over agin i also think it is cool that the dragon and her rider can hear eachothers thoughts

User review rating: 0 January 17, 2007

The best film EVER! So buying it on DVD. Ed is a brilliant actor and cute too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LUV ED!

User review rating: 0 January 17, 2007

I loved this movie...never read the book but now I think I might. Can`t wait for the second part to come out. Has to be one of my favourits. I would probably go see it again it was well worth the money!

User review rating: 0 January 16, 2007

I didn`t know anything of the movie - just seen the previews - knew it was about dragons and looked like a fun movie. I enjoied it so much I saw it twice! Pretty dang good plot, nice story and overall - when`s the next one coming out?

User review rating: 0 January 16, 2007

awesome. great show

User review rating: 0 January 15, 2007

I never read the book and heard the bad reviews - I went to watch the movie because my son and his friends wanted to watch it. So, I tagged along and couldn`t keep my eyes off of the screen! I loved everything about the movie, everything just flowed. I don`t understand what was with the negative reviews. It is a great family movie. I cannot wait for the next movie and I`m definitely going to be reading the books.

User review rating: 0 January 15, 2007

Eragon is one of the best shows of the year. In fact, to me, this is the greatest show of the year.

User review rating: 0 January 15, 2007

the movie was really good .

User review rating: 0 January 14, 2007

My name is Alyssa and Eragon is one of my favourite movies that i have ever seen. I love this movie and the backrounds of some of the sences in the movie makes it look so real. I like how the dragon could hear what his rider was thinking. This movie had a lot of action and i cant wait till the next one comes out. I give this movie a 10 out of 10. IT ROCKS !!!

User review rating: 0 January 13, 2007

It`s awsome! I thought the book and movie were both very magical and I`m never lonly anymore. I rate them both five stars. Please make Eldest.The rest of you just settle down!

User review rating: 0 January 11, 2007

enjoyed this movie very much. I`m not big into fantasy stories but this was a god movie.

User review rating: 0 January 10, 2007

Ebert and Rubeurt thought it was a cliche movie done by computer advicement for box office results.... Check Discovery, it already mentioned how it was done..

User review rating: 0 January 08, 2007

no where near as good as the movie!!! I read the book and I thought that they missed way too many good parts the least they could have done was have the plot more accurate and make the movie longer. The book was 100 times better don`t waster ur money on the ticket read the book if you want some real entertainment.

User review rating: 0 January 08, 2007

If you read the book, dont bother watching the movie. its horrible! the plot is just wrong on so many levels i cant even begin to describe it. if you havent read the books, dont bother watching the movie because you will be lost. my friend went to see it and it made no sense to her she was asking me questions the whole time and she still didnt get it! but it wasnt a disaster. Saphira was great, and Eragon and Murtagh were hott. very sexy together

User review rating: 0 January 07, 2007

I just think it was amazing. It had a great feel to it. The story was great. just an allround great movie looking forward to more.

User review rating: 0 January 07, 2007

You guys are hpeless. This movie is awesome. I`ve read the book and its better yea but can`t you at least thank them for their hard work for making this movie? Like seriously. They`re not gonna make a second movie if you guys just keep talking and talking about how you liked the book better or how the movie was bad. Think about the other people who would actually want to watch Eldest. Please! I want to watch it bad if you haven`t noticed. The movie can`t be exact as the book because the directors mind and the authors mind are different. Besides none of you dont know how the movie buisness work. Please understand and stop posting comments abou

User review rating: 0 January 07, 2007

it was awsome!

User review rating: 0 January 06, 2007

i saw the movie first, the book was even better, in the movie they cut out way to mutch stuff

User review rating: 0 January 06, 2007

The movie was fantastic, but I really have no idea what the story is all about. Though I quite like the movie, I need to watch the movie again to understand.

User review rating: 0 January 06, 2007

This movie was one of da worst movies ive ever seen in my life. In the end of the book, the war is supposed to be as huge as a LOTR War but there were like 10 arrow men and 100 enemy forces roflol. Pathetic. I rather an apple decay then watch this movie. Please read da book b4 judging and DO NOT judge eragon from the movie.

User review rating: 0 January 05, 2007

can you make a secend... pleeeeeaaaaaaassssssse

User review rating: 0 January 05, 2007

this movie was pathetic, they couldn`t keep it together even if they tried, the plot was destroyed, the characters lackluster and overall it was a abysmal attempt at reproducing a great book in to an acceptable movie

User review rating: 0 January 05, 2007

First of all, `boughten` is not a word. Second, if you can find a `great` shirt for $10, then you are right; you should buy it.

User review rating: 0 January 05, 2007

This was a good movie!! My friend was dissopointed as they cut out lots of the good scenes from the book and never put them in the movie. Overall i would give it 3.5

User review rating: 0 January 05, 2007

This was an exciting adventure movie. We can`t wait for the next one to come out.

User review rating: 0 January 05, 2007

Good movie, you can`t compair a book to a movie, stay at home don`t bother, because all movies butcher novels. I enjoyed it, great show, I will now read the book and be happy. Get over it people this is entertainment.

User review rating: 0 January 04, 2007

Worst movie I have seen in my entire life. It was so pathetic, the graphics were stupid, the acting was poor, (but then again it is hard to act when the screenplay is so butchered). I spent the whole movie in agony and bitterness. All I could think was "I could have boughten a great shirt for the price of this ticket" ..... Please don`t go and see this movie, I beg you (it is for your own good)

User review rating: 0 January 04, 2007

I thought that Eragon was a well made movie. Although it went a little quick. I havn`t read the book and I thought it was amazing so I saw it two more times. But I went with someone who read the book and they said that the movie ruined it. Don`t listen to them they have a bad taste in movies. Jeremy Irons was absolutely amazing. He was definetly one of the coolest characters. Eragon was a cocky idiotic arrogant gorgeous 17 year old. (I`m 15 give me a break) But dark haired guy named Murtagh was sooooooooooo hott, and he is such a bad ass. Racheal Weisz who did the voice of Saphira was a tough chick. I loved her. And her side commentary was ho

User review rating: 0 January 04, 2007

I left early (I couldn`t handle the butchered storyline or the horrible acting). Maybe the movie description should say very loosely based on the book. I read the book and had a hard time with the jumps and major story/details changes. They didn`t even stick with simple details like Eragons hand. Don`t waste your time/money read the book. Short of rewriting the story I can`t see how they will manage the second movie.

User review rating: 0 January 03, 2007

best movie ever but disappointing to the book

User review rating: 0 January 03, 2007

I read the first eragon book and I loved it but when I saw the movie I expected to to see somethig like harry Potter but It was exactly the oppisite, very boring and very, very dissapointed.

User review rating: 0 January 03, 2007

IT WAS SO GREAT!!! Ya, they butchered the plot, but the actual movie was really good!! And come on, they can`t include every little tiny detail. GARRETT AND ED ARE HOT!!!! And omg whats up with that so called "elf", she doesn`t even have pointy ears or black hair.....? Saphira was amazing, I love the whole `scales and feathers` thing. So follow my rating.

User review rating: 0 January 03, 2007

This movie was a lot better than I expected it to be. Although there was some bad acting (Ed Speelers), Jeremy Irons and John Malkovich definetley made up for it. The dragon (Rachel Weisz) was very charming, and overall good movie 3.5 stars

User review rating: 0 January 03, 2007

Obviously the book was better. If they had accurately portrayed the book, the movie would have been 5-6 hours long. The visual effects were amazing but the acting was lacking. I wish that the script writers had tried to stay true to the book. The book is what brought about the publicity.

User review rating: 0 January 03, 2007

I loved the movie. It had lots of adventure and action. Two people I went with read the book and said a lot was left out but they still liked it. I suggest reading the book after seeing the movie. That way, you will enjoy the movie more.

User review rating: 0 January 03, 2007

Many of the words are difficult to udnerstand, but it will be better if you read the book first. The dragons are very realistic, and the fighting scenes will make you sit on the edge of your seat!

User review rating: 0 January 02, 2007

A movie with so much potential but unfornately unrealized. I have not read the book but came away feeling too much was missing. This movie needed at least 2.5 hours to develop the charachterrs and the story line properly.

User review rating: 0 January 02, 2007

eragon was fabulous i went to see it with my mom and dad and considering me and my dad loved dragons that movie was outstandingly cool,wicked and most of all great i give a 100 thumbs up for eragon. jahvon.

User review rating: 0 December 31, 2006

this movie was a bunch of bull ****. Almoss tnothingw as the same, and it was horrible. They added a bunch of events that they think would make the movie better, but in reality, it make the movie suck more. I would like to see the second movie though, because everything that connected the first book to the second was utterly destroyed. The only thing hollywood can do is to create a whole new storyline.

User review rating: 0 December 30, 2006

Save your money. Read the book instead!

User review rating: 0 December 30, 2006

MESSAGE: DO NOT DO NOT LISTEN TO GOOD COMMENTS!!!. they butchered the story. they cut it into peices and then chopped those peices then took 3/4 of the story away and put whats left into a ball of hollywood crap. too rushed it was from one thing to another. waaaay too short and nothing like the book. no character development or explination. literly cut out the majority if not whole middle of the book. i am a fan of the book but people i saw it with hadnt read and didnt like it. HORRIBLE

User review rating: 0 December 29, 2006

Pretty good. i loved it but i thought that they left out a lot from the book. not to mention the ending is different too. all in all it was pretty good though.i`d give it either 3 1/2 stars or 4.

User review rating: 0 December 29, 2006

ok this movie did nothing for the book, but it stuck to the same plot and i think thats all we can ask for from hollywood

User review rating: 0 December 29, 2006


User review rating: 0 December 29, 2006

I really did not like this movie. It was not true to the book ata ll, which was at the very least disappointing. It missed out my favourite character [i`m not sure what i`m allowed to say here so i`ll just say the WC], and most of the places, especially HG which I think the director could have really exploited. The whole thing seemed to have been a bit of a hastily strung together film, and I was disappointed at the lack of depth in the film, as apposed to the book which went into great detail about morals and ethics of the time. The only good I could find in this was watching Ed Speleers taking off his shirt! The rest was all very disappoint

User review rating: 0 December 28, 2006

An okay movie. Characters were lacking in development. Not alot of action. The dragon did look good though.

User review rating: 0 December 27, 2006

Totally disappointing! They took the premise of the book and totally butchered it! How do they plan to do the second book when they have changed the story of the first book so much!!

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