Deadpool & Wolverine - User Reviews

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3.17 / 5

User rating: 3.17

Based on 614 votes and 191 reviews

  • User rating: 3.17 49.51%
  • User rating: 3.17 3.58%
  • User rating: 3.17 2.28%
  • User rating: 3.17 3.58%
  • User rating: 3.17 41.04%

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User review rating: 1 August 24, 2024

Walked out.

User review rating: 1 August 23, 2024

Don't listen to the teens who love this movie. It's deliberately disgusting. Marvel continues it's downward slide into the toilet.

User review rating: 5 August 23, 2024

So worth your time and money. Marvel continues to evolve!

User review rating: 5 August 23, 2024

The phone rings. The call ID shows Hugh's name and Ryan answers. "I want to play Wolverine again in your next Deadpool movie." That is literally how this project launched. This movie is unashamed to be Deadpool through and through. Critics were mediocre about the first DP film, just like this one. The fans understood it. It was a film for us. This is absolutely no different. This film is a love letter for us, for the cast, for the bygone era of Fox's hit-and-miss superhero movies. It's a buddy film. It's an action packed, foul-mouthed romp of fun that has that wonderful big-budget feel (Thank you Disney Marvel!) It wins because it doesn't take itself too seriously. It's Deadpool's mentality in film form: it knows it's a film but it acts like a film anyway. You won't catch every quip, nor every easter egg, or every cameo. The joy of finding those out in their entirety only adds to the afterglow. It's a feast for the eyeballs and the heart. "Holy sh--, you save the good stuff for special occasions?" This is a very special occasion, my friends.

User review rating: 1 August 22, 2024

Not worth your time and money. Marvel continues to unravel.

User review rating: 5 August 22, 2024

the moving completely restarts wolverine character. This movie isn't a cash grab and totally did need to be made

User review rating: 4 August 22, 2024

I really enjoyed this, it wasn't perfect but it was enjoyable. Were there some areas I didn't like, yes, but the majority was really good. It had great action, lots of violence and some great jokes. Maybe some of them went over peoples heads? Were some jokes over done at the beginning, yes, and it felt like when someone you know made people laugh and so they keep doing the same thing to try to make them laugh again. Luckily, these references slowed down through the movie. I also enjoyed the dynamic between Deadpool and Wolverine and also the other surprise characters brought in. Overall a very good movie, but don't go if you don't enjoy great action with violence, and vulgar jokes. Also, not for kids!

User review rating: 1 August 22, 2024

This movie completely ruins the Wolverine character. This movie is just a cash grab and didn't need to be made.

User review rating: 5 August 21, 2024

Put Deadpool in a Marvel movie and it’s very funny. Add Wolverine and it’s both hysterical and action packed. Best movie I’ve seen in a long time. Perfect for everyone except young children due to the language. I am in my 60s and I really enjoyed it. I’ll probably see it again

User review rating: 5 August 21, 2024

loooooooooooooooooooved it

User review rating: 5 August 21, 2024

Both Hugh and Ryan are at their best in this movie. The action is thrilling and the dialogue is, well, you have to hear for yourself. What few plot holes there are, are covered with pure entertainment. The audience gets into the movie, which is fantastic. I highly recommend this movie :)

User review rating: 1 August 21, 2024

As someone said before, 'rather hit my head on wall than watch this stupid movie again'. I liked the first two Deadpool movies.

User review rating: 1 August 20, 2024

Fan boys have bad taste in movies. Caitlyn Jenner and Liberace could have played the leads and the fan boys would still love it.

User review rating: 5 August 20, 2024

I don't know how Ryan Renolds can remember all the dialogue. For that I give him four stars..the other star is for the movie.

User review rating: 5 August 20, 2024

It was really fun to watch, lots of laughs. Great movie

User review rating: 1 August 19, 2024

Just saw it. Terrible movie with lots of anti gay conversations. Can't make fun of most minorities now, so it is open season on the gays.

User review rating: 1 August 18, 2024

I would rather hit my head against a wall than watch this stupid movie again.

User review rating: 5 August 18, 2024

This movie made me laugh out of all of my holes.

User review rating: 5 August 18, 2024


User review rating: 5 August 18, 2024


User review rating: 1 August 18, 2024

All I can say is ewwww.

User review rating: 1 August 17, 2024

Very, very crude, disjointed multiverse nonsense, with little plot, dialogue or reason to remain watching. Disney CGI wringing the last few drops out of their ever depleting Marvel investment. If you loved the original X-men movie, or early Iron Man, or any of the good ones from 15 years ago, spare yourself. This is garbage.

User review rating: 5 August 17, 2024

So funny

User review rating: 5 August 17, 2024

A flaming pile of awesome

User review rating: 1 August 17, 2024

A flaming pile of garbage.

User review rating: 1 August 17, 2024

Stabbing people in the genitals is sick - not funny.

User review rating: 5 August 17, 2024

Fantastic movie. I saw it three times.

User review rating: 1 August 17, 2024

Not a good movie.

User review rating: 5 August 16, 2024

New end game. Marvel is back

User review rating: 1 August 16, 2024

If you have any remembrance of movies with plot and any redeeming value at all and believe you will see anything that has any of those qualities save your money. This is a very successful piece of garbage that can only be appreciated by mental children with demented minds.

User review rating: 1 August 15, 2024

Probably one of the most sacrilegious piles of excrement. Way to go Disney. Won't watch another one.

User review rating: 1 August 15, 2024

Horrible from start to finish and I am an avid Marvel Comics, Wolverine and Ryan Reynolds fan. What was the point of the crotch stabbing, over and over and constant gay sexual reference? How about the word F_CK? How many times did they say that over and over and over? Those are just a couple of the reasons the movie was horrid and not worth time or money to see. No real content, story line or acting - except by Hugh Jackman.

User review rating: 5 August 15, 2024

Best movie of 2024

User review rating: 5 August 15, 2024

This movie is EPIC. Absolutely must see. Hard to put anything in here without giving things away, but the dog is....... oh just go see it!

User review rating: 1 August 15, 2024

Juvenile attempt to make an R rated movie with really bad language and bloody violence. Should be NC-17. I felt bad for the children that I saw in the theater. Hard to believe that their parents took them to see this.

User review rating: 1 August 15, 2024

Deadpool 1 and 2 were fantastic. This film is not good!

User review rating: 3 August 14, 2024

It's better than Deadpool 2 simply because it doesn't have that loathsome fat bastard in it.

User review rating: 5 August 13, 2024

Such a terrific movie. Hope there are more Deadpools. This is much better than what I thought it was going to be

User review rating: 4 August 13, 2024

The cast for the movie is alright. The movie was OK. Ryan could've let his old gang helped him out by attacking those bad guys. The first Deadpool movie 🎬 was better then the second one.

User review rating: 5 August 13, 2024

These other reviews about the movie being “over the top” are hilarious because that’s exactly what Dead-Pool is, a film that basically just makes fun of what you think a superhero film would be. If you can’t handle the heat, get out the kitchen.

User review rating: 1 August 13, 2024

Such a terrible movie. Hope there are no more Deadpool movies. This is much worse than I thought it was going to be. A solid failure.

User review rating: 5 August 13, 2024

I would let my kids and grandkids watch this

User review rating: 5 August 13, 2024

It is an all class movie

User review rating: 3 August 12, 2024

Not as funny as I'd hoped, very gory, stab stab stab. Yet I still fell asleep.

User review rating: 5 August 12, 2024

I feared what Disney would do with this movie. But unlike every other project they have shelled out the past 3 years or more, this was amazing! I loved the entirety of it. The audiophiles like myself would almost tear up at the audio queues and music. Must watch.

User review rating: 5 August 11, 2024

The jokes, the cameos, the puns, the gratuitous amount of violence.. Deadpool and Wolverine goodness from start to finish! Whether you watch this in the Standard theater or in The Cube you'd probably like this movie.

User review rating: 2 August 11, 2024

7 OUT 1O deadpool and wolverine was OK movie, u like it more is u can past the 12 year old profanity and overkill bloody parts, is was nice to see the surprising heros and villians and the visual was a feast for the eyes, effect were amazing, it too bad that certain thing ruin it too make it better, still a fun movie too see, maybe I like it better a second time

User review rating: 1 August 11, 2024

No redeeming quality to this disgusting foul language and graphic killing movie. Over the top stringing of foul words to make up sentences, are they sentences? Why make this movie? So bad for the human mind, and kids seeing it? Slashing the private areas over and over, are you kidding me? This movie should be melted down and never shown again. I would never let my kids/grandkids see this.

User review rating: 1 August 11, 2024

It is a no class movie.

User review rating: 5 August 11, 2024

The copious fight scenes were well choreographed, Reynolds and Jackman were vibing. Deadpool was in full irreverent form and it rocked. Definitely a film for action loving hard-swearing adults. If that's not you? Go elsewhere. This movie is one thing from top to bottom: Honest about what it is. I knew what I was in for in the first 90 seconds, and it was intense, ridiculous, over-the-top fun. The cameos were lit, I couldn't believe they got my favourite X-Men character in the film (Go Tatum go)! Always great to see Daphne Keen reprise X-23. My one critique was the Mary Sue level villain, whom I didn't care for. The actress did an ok job for what she was given, but eh.

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