Click - User Reviews

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3.97 / 5

User rating: 3.97

Based on 18533 votes and 547 reviews

  • User rating: 3.97 47.40%
  • User rating: 3.97 26.83%
  • User rating: 3.97 11.83%
  • User rating: 3.97 3.33%
  • User rating: 3.97 10.61%

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User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

An entertaining and funny movie for Adam Sandler. Easy to watch and pulls at the emotions at times.

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

I think CLICK is a very funny and touching movie. It reminds me about the importance of family love than any other stuff. Also, that life is too short and we should treasure every moments we`ve gotten!

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

Click was real. I cried and I laughed . Too funny to miss. A real wake up call.

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

It was so awesome! i recommend it for definatly 13 and over just because of the sexual content. But overall it was a bit confusing but other then that it was hilarious and funny and very good movie to watch, for viewers that havent seen it GO SEE IT NOW!!!

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

Funny, moving, inspiring if a little heavy-handed in it`s family-first message. I laghed, I cried, but it didn`t quite become a part of me.

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

I was in tears! Both because it was so funny but also because of some touching moments! Something for everyone!

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

It was very funny but kids won`t like it

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

click was very well done. very unpredictable. a must see

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

Adam Sandler is great as usual.

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

Funny movie and a tear jerker at the end, A good family movie with lots of fun

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

Cried more than I laughed but a good film!

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006


User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

Recommend it to all working parents.

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

This movie sort of reminded me of a Jimmy Stewart movie "It`s A Wonderful Life - 1946" It had a message in that don`t take your friends and family for granted enjoy every moment and try to balance work and play. I enjoyed this movie and I thought of my father who passed away 5 years ago. I took my mother to this film and I know she thoroughly enjoyed it.

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

Click was a really funny movie. It had a really good storyline and Adam Sandler played a great part in it. I don`t know how it got 1 star from the Movie Critics...This movie has all the right things in it, good acting, romance, comedy and a successful story line.

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

I went in to this movie expecting a cheesy funny flick, but it was so much more, the story line was great and it was a movie that made you think, laugh, and some people even cry! 5 out of 5

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006


User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

One of adam Sandlers best movies,a funny film with an emotional ride in the end. If anything, worth renting.

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

A great movie

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

`CLICK` was the Best Adam Sandler movie ever! I think most people in our busy society today could relate to the story line. Acting, story and the way everything tied together at the end was phenominal! Congrats to Adam and Kate and all the other actors in this movie, GREAT JOB!!!

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

5/5 Great Movie! A Must See!

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

It was very funny, the visual effects were amazing.

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

A Great Movie! After reading these comments, I would have to say that those people who did not enjoy this movie are either workaholics in denial about how it affects their families ... or made the mistake of bringing their young children to see the movie.

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

Completely unexpected. I went in expecting a childish comedy and took away so much more. I recommend this one to anyone looking for a great night out.

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

Not a comedy and not a drama.

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

a good movie with good acting

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

I Think this is the worst movie I have ever seen with Adam Sandler in it. It was not funny at all I`M sorry I don`t get this humor where the dog is doing what he is doing so often. And a boy being hit in the Head. This was not a good movie at all. Give me another movie that is funny like Good Morning Vietnam, with Robin Williams, or the Movie All of Me with Lily Tomlin. This movie stunk!!!!!!!!!!!

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

Dispite some cheese and low brow humour, I enjoyed "Click" for some the funnier parts and the message the movie tries to convey.Christohper Walkens is entertaining as always with his unhinged approach.As shallow as Sandlers character is I still found myself rooting for him.Probably because most of us can relate with the characters "Not Enough Time" issues.

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

click was a wicked movie, and GOD do I hope my daughter grows up to NOT LOOK THAT GOOD. there would be

User review rating: 0 June 26, 2006

One of Sandler`s best, go and laugh out loud.

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

i am not an english speaker, so i can not find a work which is better than "great". but this movie, was the best and funest movie in my life. even some part was really touching... if there is 5+ star, i will vote it..

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

Lots of fun, some good laughs. Nice story too. Kate Beckinsale is HOT.

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

What a novel idea with the ability to go forwar and backward in time and to stop time. A unique story and funny at that.

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

The movie was very predictable, had some funny parts but not enough to make it a great Adam Sandler flick

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

funny classic adam sandler heartfelt ending

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

Interesting story line and because it doesn`t appear to take itself too seriously, a entertaining ride.

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

Don`t know why it got bad reviews from critics, we all loved it. A great Adam Sandler movie. You gotta go see it!

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

good movie kinda dumb with the dog though

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

It was both foolish and predictable. It didn`t seem to want to stop...I havn`t waited for a movie to end as badly since AI.

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006


User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

who ever said they wanna click who ever didnt like it, come on get a brain this movie was pathetic adam sandler at his worse, u wanna see a movie that will help u sleep see this other wise save ur money!!!!

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

This was a great movie very funny and also had a sad part in it not what i exepcted it was very good!!

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

He acted better in Little Nicky.

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

Laughed so hard it hurt!

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

adam sandler rox

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

amazing was funny throughout and a very touching movie. Go see it!!!

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

Adam Sandler has had some good shows and some bad ones. I particularily liked this one. It was very funny and had a good sens of humor.

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

It was funny! A great family movie! I love Christopher Walkins!

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

I found click to be a comparison to real life. If we only took more time for ourselves and those we love, we would not lose those important moments to our jobs.

User review rating: 0 June 25, 2006

I think click was a great movie it`s funny , near the end its sad(my friend cried)It`s a great movie. I rated it four stars !!!!!!! Go see it it`s not a waste of moey !! I hope you like it.

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