Borderlands - User Reviews

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2.27 / 5

User rating: 2.27

Based on 90 votes and 28 reviews

  • User rating: 2.27 22.22%
  • User rating: 2.27 0.00%
  • User rating: 2.27 15.56%
  • User rating: 2.27 6.67%
  • User rating: 2.27 55.56%

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Showing 1 to 28 of 28

User review rating: 1 August 22, 2024

These positive reviews are written by teens. Too dumb for adults. Worst movie of the year.

User review rating: 5 August 22, 2024

Had fun watching this flick!!

User review rating: 5 August 22, 2024

Don't listen to the bad reviews! I enjoyed the movie and liked how it was easy to follow since I've never heard of the game before. 5 ?!!

User review rating: 5 August 22, 2024

Don't listen to losers who can't move past their own stupidity. This was a rollercoaster and had me laughing and thinking about the game and how much fun I had playing it when it came out. Rotten tomatoes is useless and the real fans speak louder. This movie rocked!!!

User review rating: 1 August 22, 2024

Proves to me how the tech industry can make anything seem real, even though it’s not. Made for adrenaline rush. Good vs evil plot. Some self sacrifice for the good of others gave it a little value. The little girl is a terrific actress. The robot was hilarious though. Pathetic hair on main character was idiotic. Sexual overtones of boob cleavage in old women and bare chested maniac muscle men, seriously.! Filthy language stupidity. Violence is overwhelming. I rate it R only.

User review rating: 1 August 20, 2024

Alienates both the general public as well as fans. Would give 0 stars if I could

User review rating: 2 August 18, 2024


User review rating: 1 August 15, 2024

So bad. Pick something other than this crapfest.

User review rating: 1 August 15, 2024

How can this even get produced. Disgrace

User review rating: 1 August 14, 2024

Waked out, loved the games but they should've put way more work in this. Fallout tv show was a lot better.

User review rating: 1 August 14, 2024

Just chaotic nonsense.

User review rating: 5 August 13, 2024

I like movie Allah Admiral Ackbar it was good like bacon!

User review rating: 5 August 13, 2024

I played the games so new what the movie was about. so I thought it was verry good

User review rating: 1 August 13, 2024

This movie is so bad my stomach hurt after the movie ended. I guess I had bad movie poisoning.

User review rating: 5 August 13, 2024

We went into it knowing the type of movie it was. We were not let down sense we were not expecting much. which in turn made the movie fun and funny, we enjoyed it.

User review rating: 1 August 13, 2024

Yeah, I watched it. It's garbage. Let the pathetic fanboys have a coronary over this.

User review rating: 5 August 12, 2024

I think all the actors did a stupendous job with their characters - esp. Tiny Tina, Krieg and Claptrap. The action was fast-paced. The story I felt was good, along with the humor. Did it follow everything in the game 100%. No, but, if you want that, then merely play the game! (Movies often differ from the source material.) Anyhow, I seriously doubt that all the haters on here have even watched the movie. So many have said the movie will be horrible without having seen it. Patently unfair. And many have said BL4 the game will be bad, as well -- based in a movie they haven't seen. Gawd. 🙄🤦??? This is sad, coming from people who allegedly adore the Borderlands franchise.

User review rating: 1 August 12, 2024

Yes, it's that bad

User review rating: 1 August 11, 2024

I don't know what this movie is. It sux so much.

User review rating: 5 August 11, 2024

Really enjoyed this movie..very entertaining. Lots of action.. Funny jokes. Good story line. Special effects and scenes were top notch. Acting was great. Good escape for an hour and forty minutes. Transports you into another world.

User review rating: 3 August 11, 2024

I have seen much worse - Deadpool and Wolverine for example. These people got massively pee sprayed but there was no farting and no testicle abuse. Cate Blanchett was a pleasure to watch even if it was an underwhelming role for a great actress. Jamie Lee Curtis was pointless. It has all of the elements of your usual comic hero type flicks - a team of misfits, lots of outsized weaponry, a cavernous maze, and an obnoxious robot. The end is really cool.

User review rating: 1 August 10, 2024

Bad, just bad.

User review rating: 1 August 10, 2024

Yeah, it's a real piece of shit. It's an Eli Roth movie, so the fact that it's shitty shouldn't surprise anyone.

User review rating: 5 August 09, 2024

Movie is unnecessary getting slammed because movie doesn't live up to fan boys' expectations. And for Rotten Tomatoes to give it the score that they did once again tells me Rotten Tomatoes doesn't know what they're talking about when it comes to rating any movie. I found the movie relatively entertaining and better than some of the schleck coming out of Disney/Marvel Studios. I would normally give this movie 4 out of 5 stars but feel that it deserves a bump because of others' rating bombing. Seriously, 1 out of 5 stars? Give me a break. For those of who gave it 1 out of 5, you know the movie was better than that. Come on.

User review rating: 1 August 09, 2024

This isn't even a movie, it is a disaster. Worst movie I have seen in a long time.

User review rating: 1 August 09, 2024

They are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one.

User review rating: 3 August 08, 2024

Was fun and nostalgic Borderlands. Pace was too fast and a lot got lost in the process. Kreig should have been more like Kreig and less like TTs puppy. Tannis was just awful. The rest of the cast worked better than I expected but hardly anyone had character development because of the pace. Bottom line, it was better than expected and fun for this long time fan of the games. Non-players of the game may not appreciate or understand it and snobbish players will probably hate it.

User review rating: 1 August 08, 2024

Awful casting choices, Roland is supposed to be a serious war hero and they cast Kevin Hart as him??

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