Black Panther - User Reviews

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3.50 / 5

User rating: 3.50

Based on 8498 votes and 1633 reviews

  • User rating: 3.50 60.61%
  • User rating: 3.50 1.82%
  • User rating: 3.50 0.68%
  • User rating: 3.50 1.01%
  • User rating: 3.50 35.88%

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Showing 1 to 50 of 1633

User review rating: 1 October 02, 2022

Bad even for the typically low MCU standards.

User review rating: 5 October 01, 2022

awsome black panther not pink panther

User review rating: 1 September 18, 2022

How empowering to show blacks as incompetent and unable to built an advanced civilization without magical material from space! And they are also riding rhinos and fighting with spears because it´s such an african thing to do! The CGI is awful. The bratty sister of the main character is just a rotten sherry on this sh***y cake.

User review rating: 5 April 03, 2022

I love the movie black panther is so cool. Love it

User review rating: 1 November 05, 2021

Terrible movie these racially biased critics don't know anything about a good movie And they have the gall to call venom a bad movie lmao

User review rating: 1 November 05, 2021


User review rating: 1 March 18, 2021

One of the worst movies I have ever seen, from plot full of holes to unlikable or boring characters and ugly CGI.

User review rating: 1 November 04, 2020

The movie has many problems. The character of Tchalla´s teenage sister is annoying Mary Sue who is a tech genius but acts like a totally irresponsible silly teenager. Okoye is unlikable "strong woman" who behaves like a sociopath. Tchalla himself is quite boring and doesn´t really move the plot forward, the plot rather moves him. CGI is often bad. The biggest problem is how openly racist the Wakanda people are. Mary Sue calls a white guy a colonist. Wakanda is closed and they have never helped anyone in the world but they think they can moralize with insults like this. They have the magical all-problems-solving vibranium but they did nothing to prevent the slave trade. Also it´s simplified to "whites bad, blacks poor victims", while in fact the black people captured other black people and sold them to the white slave traders. Tchalla´s final anti-racist speech about unity is put in the middle of the final credits. Obviously for purpose. Less people will see the only part with a good message. If the races were reversed and the dialogues would stay the same, there would be riots. Wait, there ARE riots. And this movie just encourages them. It could be executed much better and the message could be against racism but it is done poorly and it´s obviously done this way for a purpose. If you want to see real anti-racist movie with main black hero, watch Django Unchained.

User review rating: 5 September 18, 2020

I loved this movie! It's originality, costumes, story plot as well as the superb characters and cast were all outstanding! Captured my interest from being to end!

User review rating: 1 September 15, 2020

The problems with marvel b-characters are the lack of memorable villains. For all the gadgetry and technology, black panther is actually a "TEAM" hero with his bodyguard(s) and family. Very polarizing. Either you like or not. I wish I did but I didn't.

User review rating: 5 February 06, 2020

Chadwick boseman is good as black panther

User review rating: 3 May 03, 2019

This movie isn’t bad, but it’s not really a very exciting movie. Also, BP as a character seems better in Civil War, Infinity War, & in Endgame. Despite this, Killmonger was a great character. I’d definitely give it a 6/10

User review rating: 5 February 22, 2019

A cinematic gold created by a group of geniuses! I loved the story, the acting, the cinematography, the scoring and sound mixing was crazy good! All of the elements of filming came together to create this wonderful masterpiece! All ages and walks of life can enjoy this movie. :)

User review rating: 5 February 18, 2019

I loved this movie and so did my grand children. The plot and story line is awesome, my pick for best picture. It is about time for a hero movie to win.

User review rating: 5 February 18, 2019

I loved this movie and so did my grand children. The plot and story line is awesome, my pick for best picture. It is about time for a hero movie to win.

User review rating: 5 June 20, 2018

The care to detail, and to keep my focus, and never became boring,

User review rating: 5 June 19, 2018

Awesome! Worth watching! Its a great movie... Those who dont like it, might be old guys or in a dim old age who need bed rest thats why they dont understand the modern movie like Black panther.

User review rating: 5 June 19, 2018

Those who gave negative reviews for this movie, they are the true defenition of being IDIOTS. Its is an excellent movie and a new taste of holliwood movie being acted by great and good black actors, full of moral and epic story.

User review rating: 5 June 19, 2018

Great movie as it depicts the story of our world politically. This movie deserved a million stars.

User review rating: 5 June 16, 2018

Amazing movie.. Loved every mim of it..

User review rating: 5 June 07, 2018

Excellent movie!

User review rating: 5 June 04, 2018

Amazing movie!

User review rating: 5 June 04, 2018

Black Panther is now my favorite movie!

User review rating: 5 June 03, 2018

Awesome! Highly recommended

User review rating: 1 May 31, 2018

Horrible movie.

User review rating: 5 May 30, 2018

Very great movie!!!

User review rating: 3 May 28, 2018

Was entertaining and action packed, but found it to be the weakest Marvel movie in a couple 3 years.

User review rating: 5 May 26, 2018

Black Panther is now my favorite movie!

User review rating: 5 May 26, 2018

I saw this movie 4 times and it never gets old!

User review rating: 5 May 26, 2018

Black Panther is an amazing movie!

User review rating: 1 May 22, 2018

Laughably bad acting and eye-roll inducing cliches, stereotypes and dialogue pretty much sums this train wreck up.

User review rating: 5 May 21, 2018

This was an awesome and amazing movie. By far the best that I have ever seen. Keep it coming. I would love to see a sequel to the first movie.

User review rating: 1 May 21, 2018

Now that the world is moving beyond the PC nonsense, they will admit, in the rear view mirror, this was horseshit. It's not very good on any level, and the pretense is ridiculous. At least with Iron man, you have the ability to believe there was discovery. ingenuity, and creative talent at work. Wakanda, is parked in the middle of a failed continent. Everyone there is a genius beyond any Einstein, and wealth unimaginable even to people of Asgard. Yet, they pretend to be poor to the outside world, and still accept charitable donations. Beyond the pretense, is the script. A comic book from the 40s might have these stilted dialogues, but today we expect a bit more. three out of 10 average. Full marks for CGI tho.

User review rating: 5 May 20, 2018

Wonderful visuals, great story, surprising twists, great acting and well-developed characters. I've seen it 8 times and it never get's tired.

User review rating: 5 May 18, 2018

A wonderful movie experience.

User review rating: 1 May 17, 2018

A totally predictable plot, too long.

User review rating: 4 May 16, 2018

I liked it. Not love it. It was good. It wasn't great. I fast forwarded it on some parts.

User review rating: 5 May 15, 2018

The warrior women were the best.

User review rating: 5 May 14, 2018

Wonderful realistic movie! Liked conviction, loyalty, and strength of entire cast performance which made the entire rendition seem non-fictional and authentic. Especially loved the roll of the female worriors!

User review rating: 1 May 14, 2018

I posted an honest, review of the poor quality of this Movie. It was removed. This movie was not well made and I walked out before the end as did several others during the viewing that day.

User review rating: 5 May 13, 2018

Still a fantastic movie. Wakanda forever.

User review rating: 2 May 12, 2018

Okay if you're really young. Boring. Didn't care for it. Was hopeful.

User review rating: 1 May 12, 2018

Absolutely forgettable.

User review rating: 5 May 12, 2018

I liked the internal conflicts between the community sections. How something positive can become twisted and blurry, yet people will follow. The hero's willingness to do whats right and lay it all on the line. This is not a typical comic and was treated on the screen very well. I am happy they brought Black Panther into the main storyline and he will be a major contributor in the near future. Keep up the good work Marvel.

User review rating: 3 May 11, 2018

Very good movie I want the soundtrack the music was excellent

User review rating: 5 May 10, 2018

Good soundtrack and story.

User review rating: 5 May 08, 2018

Excellent movie.

User review rating: 1 May 07, 2018

I watched this movie 12 times and I loved it so much

User review rating: 1 May 05, 2018

Terrible just as bad as wonder garbage. Over powered for sure. This is marvels superman. Trash. GARBAGE. Dumpster trash. Really trash. No REALLY this is TRASH. Won’t waste my money to watch again. Acting was stale and special effects over done

User review rating: 5 May 05, 2018

wonderful plot with strong African females and males.

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