Birth - User Reviews

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2.85 / 5

User rating: 2.85

Based on 1512 votes and 85 reviews

  • User rating: 2.85 36.97%
  • User rating: 2.85 6.07%
  • User rating: 2.85 5.66%
  • User rating: 2.85 7.52%
  • User rating: 2.85 43.79%

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Showing 51 to 85 of 85

User review rating: 0 November 15, 2004

I thought it was a very great thought-provoking movie. My daughter and I are going to see it again. It starts slow but you realize toward the end that you should have paid attention. Very engrossing storyline.

User review rating: 0 November 15, 2004

What can i say -"biggest dissapointment-it was really so bad that i still cant believe that this movie actually came out of hollywood"i can honestly say that this was the worst movie i have ever seen !

User review rating: 0 November 15, 2004

The first 3/4 of the film was great, I couldn`t keep an eye out of it. The ending is just disappointig, it seems as if the writers didn`t know how to close the story... pitty. There are many gaps in the movie, mainly on how the kid recognised all the related people. The cinematography and some humourous scenes make things a little less worse. I expected much more from the movie, a 2-stars rating from me.

User review rating: 0 November 13, 2004

sick...exploitive of child.. seems more in the line of `child pornograpy`...

User review rating: 0 November 12, 2004

Well, I wanted to see this movie because the synopsis was really really interesting. So last night I finally got to see it. I understood about 85% of it, but some of the parts were just confusing. It might be one of those movies you have to see twice to fully understand, but all in all, it was a pretty good movie. Nicole Kidman was great, and the way the film was shot was pretty cool...Not a lot of bright lights throughout the movie to give it an "eerie and gloomy" feel to it. So yeah, I dig it.

User review rating: 0 November 10, 2004

Absolutely everything about this movie was not entertainment-it consisted of pathetic acting from every member of the cast.It doesn`t even deserve a 1 with rating. Whatever prompted Kidman to show herself in this poor performance! I would liked to have received a refund of my ill spent money on the cost of my ticket.

User review rating: 0 November 10, 2004

Not a "feel good" movie... definitely a film festival movie

User review rating: 0 November 10, 2004

Wow. I`m really surprised by how many people completely missed the point of this movie. I`m truly wondering what kind of movies you do appreciate. This movie is not for the "average" movie-goer who doesn`t want to have to think and simply wants to leave the theater feeling happy (and doesn`t want to see anything "uncomfortable"). I`m still contemplating the ending -- but I think that`s a good thing. If you want to think and see a beautifully filmed movie, then check this one out. And those of you who are talking molestation and horror over the tactfully done (and necessary) scenes between Kidman and the young boy need to get over yoursel

User review rating: 0 November 09, 2004

A lot of people are telling me I should have thought this movie was great but this is not backed up. I thought the film dragged on from start to finish. I felt completely lost by the whole film and the end was the worst. I didn`t see the relevance of most parts of the film. Either this really was a bad film or its so complex and thought provoking that only a handful of people get it. The only two thoughts I had were "what was that about?" and "why did i go to see it?" As for the 4-5 star voters - put some comments in here so we can all see why it was worthy of a higher rating!

User review rating: 0 November 09, 2004

`Birth` is not meant to be watched at surface-level. If you want a story that is clear-cut and conclusive, then yes, you will be bitterly disappointed. `Birth` is more about people`s emotions, dreams and willingness to believe in something despite the logical mind`s protests. This movie is intense and beautifully constructed. Cinematography alone is worth the watch.

User review rating: 0 November 07, 2004

Probably the worst movie I ever saw -- boring, irritating, pointless. The scene with the young boy reaching up to kiss Kidman was unpleasant. To my way of thinking the young boy was expressionless and quite unattractive. The print I saw had booms hanging down into the picture. When the credits rolled, the boom crew got roars of laughter. In fact, the entire picture was snickered at at many points, not an amusing type of snicker --more derisive. The close-ups went on entirely too long -- the faces were not particularly expressive and certainly did not show changes of mood. What a waste of money and, more important, time!

User review rating: 0 November 07, 2004

This was the dumbest, dullest, most boring, plotless, and stupidest movie I have ever seen in my life. Watching 5 hours of TV shopping channels would have been more entertaining. This movie is the worst rip-off of movie goers ever. Do not watch it! You have been warned. Dave K

User review rating: 0 November 07, 2004

Are we supposed to think that it`s the child who is sick, not Anna? I think they set out to shock but didn`t, it`s just uncomfortable. Pity because it started very promising. 2 stars for me.

User review rating: 0 November 07, 2004

Very disappointing movie. I expect so much more from Nicole Kidman.

User review rating: 0 November 07, 2004

I saw the movie "Birth" tonight. I think what the moviegoers SAW was only the surface story/theme of the movie. I think if you watch it again you will pick up on more of what the characters meant to Nicole Kidman`s character and to the other characters (esp the couple she went to see to talk about Sean). If you saw it and can think beyond the surface - email me. We`ll talk:)

User review rating: 0 November 06, 2004

Total waste of time, what a disappoinment! I really expected better of Nicole, but come to think of it.. I don`t think any of her films are any better.

User review rating: 0 November 06, 2004

Original, intense, and thought provoking script well worth seeing. The audience I watched this with in Vancouver seemed to appreciate this work of art. I am still thinking about the twist ending, making meaning for myself out of very complex possibilities.

User review rating: 0 November 06, 2004

as much as I like Nicole Kidman and as much as the acting is great on all parts, this movie is substandard. Yes it is arty and yes it is controversial... fine. I watch a lot of movies like that... but while you wait for the final plot twist (which comes but too little too late) you start to wonder about the actual point of the movie. Yes it IS an art film, but really, that term doesn`t mean the film can`t be bad. This is simple a badly made movie. Slow and sometimes silly dialog, little to no sound track and long pointless pauses drag the film along, rather than create tension. If you want to see a good more arty film, go see Garden State.

User review rating: 0 November 05, 2004

Can someone please explain the ending of this movie, or the middle too for that matter? Worst movie since "Bringing Out the Dead". Too many long thoughtful gazes into the camera. They never really told you who all the characters were and how they were related. Tub scene bordered on child molestation. Why didn`t she just tell him to get out of the bathtub?? Awful, Awful, Awful.......

User review rating: 0 November 05, 2004

SLOW moving film. Actors were great but there really isn`t much that can be done with a boring script. Slow revelation of the depth of Kidman`s insanity. Have Kleenex handy for the bizarre ending.

User review rating: 0 November 04, 2004

How disappointing. The trailer pretty much sums up the whole movie. I don`t get it. Were the writers and directors stoned?

User review rating: 0 November 04, 2004

For all of you who felt this movie was a dissapointment, you truely did not understand teh meaning and truly intriging story line behind it. I was mezmorized the entire film. Nicole Kidman was brilliant. The story line well crafted and completely shocking. I did feel the relationship scenes were a little revealing, however without them the story would not have moved the correct way - Brilliant! Go see it!

User review rating: 0 November 03, 2004

i would like to know what part of the movie was good? cause over 87% of people give it 4 stars or higher. two hours of my life that i wont get back. what a waste!!

User review rating: 0 November 03, 2004

This was one of the worst movies I ever saw. Right up there with Punch Drunk Love. I would rather go to the dentist than see this.

User review rating: 0 November 03, 2004

sure the cinematography was great and the musical score was beautiful...and i`ll even agree that some of the scenes were well acted. The premise should have been explored more and there could have been more dialogue - because even with all the beauty it was horrendously boring. Well actually you might get a giggle out of how ridiculous it is.... Seriously, if you must see it i implore you do not waste the obscene amount of money we have to pay for our theatres now - wait for the overpriced rental costs!

User review rating: 0 November 03, 2004

it is meant to make you uncomfortable, if you dont know the premise stay away, but the themes are universal

User review rating: 0 November 03, 2004

I left the theatre completly dissappointed and ripped off. Even as a rental I would feel that I spent too much money. Don`t bother!

User review rating: 0 November 03, 2004

Really enjoyed this film. It had atmosphere oozing and the long close up`s took a while getting used to but work great.... 4/5

User review rating: 0 November 02, 2004

This was the most ridiculous movie I have ever had to endure. Who out of 382 people (as it is now as I vote) rated this movie 4 or 5 stars without telling anyone why they thought it was so freakin great??? People like me look at the votes before seeing movies and you people made me waste my money - damn you!

User review rating: 0 November 02, 2004

This movie was a complete waste of time! Thirty minutes into the movie and it felt like I had been watching the movie for two hours already. The so-called "disturbing scenes" actually don`t amount to much. Totally boring. As the credits rolled one lady in the audience exclaimed "that was terrible!" and I agreed. Laughter rolled throughout the credits! DON`T WASTE YOUR TIME OR MONEY.

User review rating: 0 November 02, 2004

If you didn`t like this movie, you`re missing something. It was a beautiful study in human emotion, and Kidman is excellent. If you`re looking to be spoon-fed emotion in trite little packets, then go see something else. If you`re looking for a well-acted film that respects it`s audience, and has stunning cinematography and music, you will love Birth. You may even learn something about yourself.

User review rating: 0 October 30, 2004

no need for the kiss scene just sickening

User review rating: 0 October 30, 2004

nicole kidman should go to jail for child molestation. what a waste of money!

User review rating: 0 October 29, 2004

This was a terrible movie that left me wondering why it was even made for public viewing. While the premise is quite interesting the end result is a very poorly made film. There are 2 very disturbing moments in this movie that should have been left on the cutting room floor, and by the reaction from the audience in the theatre they were as sickened as I was. Don`t spend money to see this film!!! Nicole Kidman is gonna wipe this one right off her resume.

User review rating: 0 October 29, 2004

Weird movie. Not sure what to think. The first 3/4 of the movie are so unbelieveably mesmerizing that you can`t look away. Then all of the sudden, it`s like the editors, producers and writers just sort of gave up. Worth seeing, but I hope someone has an explanation for me!

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