Beautiful Beings - User Reviews

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4.67 / 5

User rating: 4.67


  • User rating: 4.67 66.67%
  • User rating: 4.67 33.33%
  • User rating: 4.67 0.00%
  • User rating: 4.67 0.00%
  • User rating: 4.67 0.00%

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User review rating: 5 December 08, 2023

Amazing and complex movie, despite moments of intense violence. There is the close but fragile bond between the four protagonists, breaking the stereotype of "tough" gang members by showing their individual vulnerabilities. Excellent performances, with Addi and Balli being ithe focus of many scenes. With an ethical dilemma developing towards the end, this is an overall challenging and thought-provoking film portraying the difficult time of mid adolescence. It sure would have deserved and Oscar nomination!

User review rating: 5 October 04, 2023

A great movie, though rather violent at times. Balli is a bullied kid from a troubled family, who one day catches the attention of Addi. To the dismay of his friends, Addi takes Balli up into their gang. Once you get beyond the first brutal 20-30min of this movie, it becomes a story about the deep friendship between the four, especially between Addi and Ballie, but also the relationship between Addi and the unstable Konnie. The acting is superb of all four of them, the challenges and conflicts in adolescence well depicted. The hint of supernatural contrasts with the reality of Balli‘s stepfather dominating his family. A very impressive film that sticks with you.

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