On Netflix: November 30, 2018 |
30m | Adventure, Animation, Family
Set in Ireland in the 1910s, this heartwarming story follows a young girl named Angela (voice of Lucy O'Connell) who wants to keep everyone safe, warm and loved during Christmas. On Christmas Eve, she goes on a trip to church with her family and gets an idea.
Because her mother taught her that families shelter each other from the storm and bring warmth where there is none, Angela decides to take the baby Jesus out of the creche on the lawn of the church and bring him home where she can keep him warm. When someone sees what she's doing and mistakes her for a thief, she has to avoid capture.
Director: | Damien O'Connor |
Studio: | Netflix |
Producer(s): | Nathan Santell, Colm Tyrrell |
Cast: | Lucy O'Connell, Ruth Negga, Brendan Mullin, Malachy McCourt, Vivian Drew, Anya O'Connor, Janet Moran, Brian Gleeson, Pat Kinevane |
Writer(s): | Will Collins, Damien O'Connor |
Official Site: | netflix.com/title/80230507 |