Am I Racist? - User Reviews

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4.60 / 5

User rating: 4.6

Based on 110 votes and 38 reviews

  • User rating: 4.6 87.27%
  • User rating: 4.6 3.64%
  • User rating: 4.6 0.00%
  • User rating: 4.6 0.00%
  • User rating: 4.6 9.09%

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User review rating: 5 September 16, 2024

"Am I a Racist" exposes the "racism industry" for what it is... a huge grift!!! As such, it is meant to divide people and make them feel helpless, and guilty about things that they can't do anything about. Matt shows the "Professional Indoctrinators" for what they are... shallow human beings intent on getting rich by taking advantage of the era they find themselves in. Matt tries to find out if he is a racist.. and what can be done about it... and in the process he exposes the smugness of people who will do anything to not be called racist. The result is very entertaining... and so true. People should just see each other for who they are. One example is that they will even sign a petition to rename the George Washington Monument, to the George Floyd Monument and paint it black! Nuts. The movie is HILARIOUS!!!.

User review rating: 5 September 16, 2024

Shines a light on how far people are willing to go to generate hate in our country. Also illustrates how little racism there is in society. This is all accomplished with a great sense of humor.

User review rating: 0 September 15, 2024

What’s interesting about a movie joking about race? And the fact that it’s targeting blacks is unbelievable and stupid this is what happens when you get an all white cast and try and make something funny. This is what the world has come to? Ridiculous and one of the worst trailers I’ve ever seen race is not something to joke about this whole movie is a joke, no plot no ending no good actors 150% f**king thumbs down don’t watch it.

User review rating: 4 September 15, 2024

Good movie exposing the grift of the race industry. Love the contrast between the snooty, guilt-ridden, liberal white women and the ordinary "townsfolk" who lay out some common sense. Some bits in the movie were a bit much (Matt's "doing the work" workshop), but funny nonetheless.

User review rating: 5 September 15, 2024

move over Michael Moore! A great expose and very funny. It's a movie that needs to be seen.

User review rating: 5 September 15, 2024

Matt Walsh does a fantastic job shining light on the grifters involved in the irrational and racist ideology that is DEI and he does so with courage and humor. America needs more of this, and much less of moving people into positions without giving enough weight to merit over everything else.

User review rating: 4 September 15, 2024

This shines a light on the real purpose of DEI. It’s just another grift

User review rating: 5 September 15, 2024

Eye opening

User review rating: 5 September 14, 2024

This movie is hilarious about the arrogance and ignorance of the elite “educated” white liberal women and black woke women trying so shill the lie of racism. It’s like a cult club. But Matt is hilarious revealing how truly stupid these people really are and think the rest of us are.

User review rating: 5 September 14, 2024

It's good

User review rating: 5 September 14, 2024

Matt Walsh has you laughing throughout his documentary as he shows how, once again, it is all about the money. DEI... Just a bunch of grifters.

User review rating: 5 September 14, 2024

Matt Walsh has you laughing throughout his documentary as he shows how, once again, it is all about the money. DEI... Just a bunch of grifters.

User review rating: 5 September 14, 2024

Took daughter and son in law and we all enjoyed the movie, it was funny well thought out and further convinced them to home school.

User review rating: 5 September 14, 2024

Wonderful movie demonstrating the hypocrisy and ease at which some people can be so easily fooled.

User review rating: 5 September 14, 2024

I had to take my kids, nieces and nephews. An eye opening experience which reflects just how easily people can be scammed.

User review rating: 5 September 14, 2024

A much needed movie. This should be in every school, church, university and workplace.

User review rating: 5 September 14, 2024

Some parts of the film were over the top, but the facts were exposed and clearly showed how Dividing people into color categories and Factoring their level of victimhood really Multiplies profits. My only regret is that the movie wasn't out years ago. Thank you to everyone at the Daily Wire!

User review rating: 5 September 14, 2024

funny and informative

User review rating: 5 September 14, 2024

Should be compulsory viewing for all school teachers and DEI people at Universitities

User review rating: 5 September 14, 2024

I have lots of kids and I want them to be brought up with morals NOT the lies and evil if the left. God help us all if these people stay in control. Great work Matt

User review rating: 5 September 14, 2024

If you're on the fence and need to see how the left is getting rich by weaponizing race, while going further and further left, this is your movie. Excellent work.

User review rating: 1 September 14, 2024

not a single person who rated this move 5 stars has children who talk to them

User review rating: 1 September 14, 2024

if this movie is for you, you should examine your life choices, and stay the hell away from schools

User review rating: 5 September 14, 2024

This movie was entertaining but also quite serious and intellectual, as Matt does an undercover investigation into the grifters and maniacs who are influencing culture in harmful ways. It was also hilarious, I laughed until there were tears in my eyes. Definitely worth seeing!

User review rating: 5 September 14, 2024

I Like The Fact That These People Actually Believe In This Godless Way Of Life, And It's Being Brought To The Light

User review rating: 5 September 14, 2024

Goes behind the curtain of the woke media

User review rating: 1 September 13, 2024


User review rating: 5 September 13, 2024

Borat, you think you're funny? You have nothing on Matt Walsh!

User review rating: 5 September 13, 2024

Hilarious expose of those involved in DEI, how they are scamming millions, and actually fueling more despicable racism under the false name of anti-racism.

User review rating: 5 September 13, 2024

I've seen it twice in two days.

User review rating: 5 September 13, 2024

His loosely fitted wig is so authentic!

User review rating: 5 September 13, 2024

It was a great movie. They used humor in all the right places.

User review rating: 5 September 13, 2024

Sheer genius

User review rating: 5 September 13, 2024

so amazing... Everyone should watch

User review rating: 5 September 12, 2024

It was sad because people are so ignorant.... these people are crazy and "steve" and Matt really exposed them

User review rating: 5 September 11, 2024

Classic Matt Walsch

User review rating: 5 September 09, 2024

I haven't even seen the movie but I cant wait. I love Matt Walsh!!!

User review rating: 5 September 04, 2024

I opening and hilarious at the same time

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