Alice in Wonderland - User Reviews

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Alice in Wonderland Movie Poster

3.88 / 5

User rating: 3.88

Based on 384 votes and 97 reviews

  • User rating: 3.88 54.40%
  • User rating: 3.88 11.92%
  • User rating: 3.88 12.95%
  • User rating: 3.88 8.29%
  • User rating: 3.88 12.44%

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User review rating: 1 February 10, 2018

Are you serious? This creepy movie is meant for children? If I watched this as a kid, it would traumatise me for the rest of my life. The characters are mostly creepy as Hell and the whole atmosphere si depressing. I would rather let the kids watch Dark Knight than this!

User review rating: 5 December 05, 2012

Great,imaginative movie,packed with odd and peculiar scences.saw it on dvd would defiently watch it again!:) By Mrs Noname:)xx.

User review rating: 5 March 11, 2011

I loved this movie! The characters were charming, hair and makeup was amazing, costumes were done perfectly, and everything looked so real! Not fake at all. Im 39 if that helps anything. My daughter and my son and my hubbie love this movie too. Great for everyone. Saw it in theaters with girlfriends, and we were all swept away to wonderland. Great 3-D too. I now own it on DVD, I bought it so we could watch it as much as we want which we do. My daughter makes all of her friends watch it with her, and they all love it. Just......Wow, Great movie. Best I've seen in a long while. My daughter is 15, My son is 7, My hubbie is 60. Go see it now - you won't be disappointed. I promise. Some people wi

User review rating: 3 November 22, 2010

Beautifully art-directed, great costumes, some memorable performances (esp. Johnny Depp)...but it left me cold. I did not come to care for the characters or the situations. Then again, the animated original was similar - wildly creative, but odd. Worth seeing, but not one I'll likely see again.

User review rating: 3 July 08, 2010

It was good. I didnt expect to love it and I didnt. Actually it was exactly what I thought it would be. Johnny was amazing, as was everyone in the cast actually. The visuals were equally amazing, as they often are with Burton. I have nothing specific to complain about or to use as justification for the rating. I just didnt love it. Maybe it was the story or the somewhat pointlessness to certain aspects. But nonetheless it was enjoyable. What did this movie teach me? Mad people are the best sort of people.

User review rating: 2 July 03, 2010

i was surprised to see the ratings here - on dvd, this movie really sucks. no character relationship development. Very disappointed in this film.

User review rating: 5 June 13, 2010

Excellent movie

User review rating: 5 June 11, 2010

It was awesome! My friends like it. It's like the best movie I ever saw. I have it on blue ray and it's even better watching it the second time! By Alexie.

User review rating: 1 June 10, 2010

BORING !!!!!!!

User review rating: 2 June 08, 2010

Despite the nifty costumes and set-designs, I thought the movie was boring and lacked any real entertainment value.

User review rating: 3 June 07, 2010

Follows the classic tale of Alice in Wonderland, with a twist. It was a very good movie, however, some parts were… well, not as good as others. I think that many may like this movie, but I prefer a different genre! I am a HUGE fan of fantasy movies, but I prefer the Twilight Saga!

User review rating: 5 June 03, 2010

This movie brought back so many memories of BREAKIN' 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO, especially the climactic breakdance finale. What more could you want?

User review rating: 2 June 03, 2010

While the scenery and acting were great - I felt the movie was a bit flat, and over-the-top. A bit dissapointed.

User review rating: 5 May 24, 2010

This movie was awesome. Please don't take little kids. But overall, I loved the movie. it's definitely not too kid-ish for grown-ups.

User review rating: 1 May 12, 2010

Good if you are 7-10 years old

User review rating: 5 April 30, 2010


User review rating: 5 April 29, 2010

3D was fantastic.

User review rating: 5 April 25, 2010

WOW i just saw it and it was awsome. it was the best movie I've ever seen

User review rating: 5 April 23, 2010

AWESOME!!!!!!! I totally don't get how people could dare to post a bad comment about this movie!

User review rating: 3 April 23, 2010

This is not a movie for children. Found it kind of dark. Love Johnny Depp but this was not quite what I expected. Don't take young children.

User review rating: 3 April 19, 2010

It was not bad, 3-D was cool but it definatly was not for little kids.

User review rating: 5 April 17, 2010

Not to seem like a five year old, but this was one of the best movies I've ever see. It was funny, it had action, it wasan adventure, it had something for everyone. People may of said the same thing for avatar, but ( to me and some friends) it was much better. Alice in Wonderland was seen 3 times by my 7 year old cousin. My grandma has seen it twice, my 15 year old sister saw it and loved it and personally, I love it!!!

User review rating: 3 April 15, 2010

i felt that this film could have been better. Sadly, it was a bit of a disapointment. A good rental.

User review rating: 5 April 13, 2010

It was so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved the MAD HATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User review rating: 5 April 13, 2010

Awesome movie. loved it!

User review rating: 5 April 11, 2010

This was an amazing movie. Definitely deserves 5 stars.

User review rating: 5 April 07, 2010

It was great!

User review rating: 4 April 03, 2010

The girl playing Alice did a great job. Good movie.

User review rating: 2 April 03, 2010

It's imaginative, but not worth seeing in the theater. Wait for it to come out on DVD.

User review rating: 2 April 02, 2010

I'm shocked to see how many 'good' comments people have left here... are these people all employed by the movie makers or what??? the movie was nothing like any other Disney movies. It was boring from the first to the end, all my friends and I were yawning and couldn't wait for it to finish.....: a BIG disappointment

User review rating: 5 March 30, 2010

This is an excellent example of Tim Burton at his finest. The film was very imaginative. All of the actors were very good. Helena Bohnam Carter being my favourite. Christopher Lee could ahve had a bigger part but whatever, what young person would know who he is anyway. The effects were just brilliant. MOVIE LOVER.

User review rating: 5 March 30, 2010

Wow... This movie was amazing! It's fantastic on how animation has improved in the past years! Makes more sense if you have seen the original Alice in wonderland prior to watching this movie cause I haven't watched it for years and could barley remember anything and some parts were a bit confusing. I'm buying this when it comes out!

User review rating: 5 March 28, 2010

I loved how eccentric and varying all the character were. Wonderful special effects.

User review rating: 2 March 28, 2010

It was definitely a disney movie. Not worthy of a Tim Burton/Jonny Depp collaboration. Unfortunately I yawned my way through it.

User review rating: 5 March 27, 2010

Very good movie. I really enjoyed it.

User review rating: 5 March 22, 2010

Amazing Movie Fun For The Whole Family

User review rating: 3 March 21, 2010

This movie was all about the special effects. I was not expecting much of a storyline and my expectation was right on. I fell asleep with my eyes open.

User review rating: 4 March 21, 2010

Alice in Wonderland was a very interesting film. I really enjoyed it! You didn't need to read the book to understand what was going on. However, I find that perhaps the plot and character relationships could have been better explained.

User review rating: 2 March 20, 2010

Tim Burton has lost his edge,throw him with Lucas in the has been category.3D wasn't great, if you're going to see it, might as well see it in normal view or wait for dvd if that.

User review rating: 0 March 20, 2010

i so happy to see alice in wonderland the is so so so so so so so so so so so good bye

User review rating: 4 March 19, 2010

Great special effects. The queen was the most interesting character. Johnny Dep was a little lack luster and generally blah. Overall the movie was ok. If you haven't seen it yet, I would wait for the video.

User review rating: 3 March 17, 2010

As a person that has never experienced the "Alice In Wonderland" story, I liked this movie. I agree that it would've been just as good had it not been in 3D. It seemed a bit rushed, but as long as you pay attention to the movie, everything comes together. Not to mention it contains one of the best life-lessons a movie could have: Always question the status-quo. I give it 3.5-stars, but gave it 3-stars to help pull it down from the 4-star rating. It's worth 1 watch, no purchase from me.

User review rating: 5 March 17, 2010

Amazing..I have never seen Alice in Wonderland or read the book, so everything coming up was a mystery...(I'm a Harry Potter fan) I started to laugh when I heard the caterpillars voice--any other person that has seen Harry Potter might too..

User review rating: 3 March 17, 2010

Saw the previews and thought it would be amazing. Saw the movie and thought that it was OK.

User review rating: 3 March 17, 2010

The same story line as Narnia but with kooky characters. The 3D was nothing like Avatar.

User review rating: 5 March 16, 2010

Excellent Film Johney Depp is amazing

User review rating: 3 March 15, 2010

Saw it yesterday, I will stop seeing movies in 3D, It really hurt my eyes. but another then that, It was good. but there was one part at the end of the movie that I didnt like, Mad Hatter really ruined it. Didn't like the name of the dragon it was very annoying(Wasn't it the name of the dance crew on ABDC??) I love the Red Hearts Queen, she was great. There is a few frightening scences that my daugther didn't like.

User review rating: 5 March 15, 2010

Visually stunning and hilarious. By far the best movie we have seen in some time.

User review rating: 2 March 15, 2010

Almost went to sleep! A Renter for sure.

User review rating: 5 March 14, 2010

The movie rocks I hope u make alice and wonderland 2 and 3

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