Based on 192 votes and 70 reviews
If you are an early Dylan fan you should see this movie. I may see it again when it comes to a local theater.
Exceptional biopic with parts of 40 truly transformative songs.Authentic depiction of the time, place and style of the early 60’s era.Sincerely acted by enormous talent. Stay thru credits & listen to three brilliant, inspiring masterpieces of powerful music. My favorite film of the year!
The portrayal of Bob Dylan was excellent.
Amazing music brought back by the exceptional cast. I have seen it twice and will go again.
Great to see some young actors, and Ed Norton, recreating part of this old person's past. Great music, theater and visuals.
I really don't care what the ratings are or what other people think about Dylan...who cares what music I've listened 1964-2024.... Who cares what anyone else thinks of Bob Dylan? What do his fans, friends, musicians all over the world care about opinions of others? WE DON"T...
While the actors were great the movie should have been about the meaning of the words of Dylan's most poignant songs like The Times They Are A Changin, Blowing in the Wind, Tomorrow is such a Long Time or Knock'n on Heaven's Door as examples.The greatness of Dylan was in the lyrics that have existential meaning for every generation not in the man himself. The movie totally missed a great opportunity to educate current generations on lyrics that could bring humankind together instead of fighting one another.
I liked the whole movie. I thought it was great. I revisited my youth in the music, people and places.
Great acting & music - good story to tell about a musical genius & the resistance to his music as his skill, creativity & orientation evolved
The cast is Oscar-worthy, the music is sensational, and the film is riveting. It brings the early 60's Folk Boom back to vibrant life and weaves a compelling tale of the rise of its brightest star, the inimitable and mysterious Bob Dylan. It's a must see!
This movie is a must-see for all music lovers as well as those who want to learn about the history of modern music. Timothee Chalamet‘s performance is stunning. Studying for four years with a voice coach to sound like Bob Dylan when he speaks and sings, he accomplished an enormous challenge. BRAVO!!!
Dumb. Dylan made some cute songs but his life story is not impressive enough for a movie. It doesn't even make a point except that he treated women badly.
Movie O.K. acting O.K. music some good and some put me to sleep. A bit on the down side. Story a reality for young musicians in that era.
Edward norton was excellent also. Great actor!!!
Excellent music and acting!!!
Acting was great. Good job by timothy!!! amazing movie?!!!
The acting was very good. I enjoyed it very much.
Early 60’s thru today
It was very well cast, and it was a very honest interpretation of Dylan. The soundtrack was AMAZING!!! BTW - the person who stated that there was no plot - it was a rockumentary sheesh...
This film really didn't have a heart. It was a series of music videos tied together with a meandering and unfocused plot. I was impressed with Naheed Nenshi's performance portraying Albert Grossman.
I thought a movie two and a half hours long would be too long but the time flew by. The story was very interesting and the performance was very well done. I would have definitely portrayed Johnny Cash with Joaquin Phoenix.
Loved this movie from the beginning to the end! Enjoyed the music and loved the story!
Love this movie from the beginning to the end! Enjoyed the music and lived the story!
This movie is well made, great acting, awesome music. Highly recommend seeing it, the 2hr & 20min flew by.
I wish the movie had been longer!! Was a teenager back when Bob Dylan was in the beginning of his career. Loved his music then, and still do. Hummed and sung to myself during those iconic songs, throughout the movie.
Lot of good music and interesting characters
You don't have to love Dylan's voice to be amazed at how this movie shows what an unparalleled lyricist, songwriter, and musician he was. After watching this flick, I made a point of watching the documentary "Don't Look Back" about the real Dylan and Joan Baez on their infamous concert tour of England in 1965. The Real Dylan did a great "imitation" of Chamalet in this movie. For those of us in the 70's the movie gave us goose bumps throughout as we see the reaction to songs heard for the first time that are now part of American musical folklore.
True folk music traditions (particularly the blues) are not about "pretty" vocals. The salient fact about Dylan's vocal style is that his lyrics always stand out clearly, except perhaps when he pushes a fast tempo. Then it's just a matter of being able to keep up. Clarity prevails. "I dreamed I saw St. Augustine. alive with fiery breath"
Superb acting…..I felt as though I were witnessing the early Bob Dylan in real life. Facets of his early career were revealed, which many people might be unaware of. Music was, of course outstanding! Every second of the film had my undivided attention!
Well done, I was not really a fan, but great acting and very enjoyable.
If you're a fan of music and songwriters you'll like this very enjoyable depiction of one of the greatest!
I’m in my 70’s so followed Dylan from when he was an unknown. The star can be proud of his dialect and music - he was absolutely Dylan. I loved the music and felt it was true to life. I saw Dylan last year in concert - he remains a talented performer in his 80’s.
Great acting, great music and best movie i saw all year.
Very well done. Good movie… great acting (singing)
Terrible movie. Dylan was not very nice to women. What is the point of telling us that? It's just ignorant.
Badly done. Boring. Save your money.
Do I hear Oscar nominations? CHALAMET-Excellent Performance! Bobby's Girlfriend-Superb Pete Seger-Outstanding Woody-Believable "The Man in Black" ?? 😍 💖
Lots of good actors and well acted. The movie gives a real sense of the early to mid-sixties. The story of Dylan going electric was a good addition - you must listen to Positively West 4th Street afterward. Lot's of good music too. Don't miss this movie.
I really, really liked this movie. It is so well done. Timothée Chalamet is scary brilliant it as Dylan. Didn't all together buy the Joan Baez character. Baez's voice can't be characterized like Dylan's can; it should have been dubbed, but the actress who played did a good job playing her. you don't have to be a Dylan fan to appreciate this movie or the incredible talent and contribution Dylan made to music.
Great movie. Timothée Chalamet does a fantastic job and covers Dylan’s songs wonderfully. Excellent portrayal of the time period, what was going on politically, and some of the musical artists that influenced Dylan and artists that he influenced. Those that don’t understand Dylan’s influence on folk music and well beyond still won’t understand after watching this movie. If your description of this movie is centered on not liking Dylan’s voice then I’d say you struggle to appreciate unique vocal styles and genius writing.
Best movie I’ve seen in a long time. Acting was superb and I lived the 60’s so brought back true to life events and memories. Love Bob Dylan and his music is timeless. Some will think it’s a ‘60’s free love negative connotation which it is not and I can’t say enough about the quality . I watched it again at home but was best at the theatre.
Loved this movie! Awesome acting, awesome soundtrack! A must see.
We thought this was a great movie. The acting was so good, the story moved along very well, we were surprised when it ended so quick! We could have watched hours more and enjoyed it. There was a lot of cussing, but it was a good story and worth seeing if you are a music fan of any kind.
Loved every minute of it. Hearing the music is wonderful. Timothy Chalamet does an great job. So glad this music is being passed on to young people. Dylan, like all of us is a complex person. Love that it starts with Woodie Guthrie and Pete Seeger. Can't get enough of hearing Dylan's words and stayed til the last credits which I rarely do. Form your own opinion and don't be swayed by all of the negative reviews. If you feel negative let it be from your own experience not from a reviewer.
Did not like BD before the movie like him even less after. Total waste of time unless you are a fan. I noticed loads of hippy baby boomers in the audience seemed pleased, laughed at the stupid, contrived moments, one damaged soul within earshot was sobbing in response to shameless, contrived fiction. I caught myself checking my iPhone watch every 5 minutes couldn’t take any more of it and I got up and left.
Great overall
This movie is a lovely, but superficial overview of Dylan's first five years as a performer in The Village, recording artist and concert favourite. The movie and his desire to perform as a rock & roll artist peaked at his highly controversial appearance at the Newport '65 Folk Festival with a rock band. Fellow travelers Joan Baez, Pete Seeger, Suze Rotolo (renamed Sylvie Russo in the movie at Dylan's request), Albert Grossman, Bobby Neuwirth are all portrayed faithfully by a group of wonderful actors. If you are expecting to see a movie that is 100% factually accurate, then you will be disappointed. If you want to see a delightful movie spotlighting the finest folk/rock composer of the 20th century played beautifully by Timothee Chalamet, then by all means go and enjoy 'A Complete Unknown'!
Depressing. I was named after him and i think my hopes were too high. Pretty girlfriends, though. Every time i see scoot mcnair, i think of his great character in killing them softly
No sure why anyone would go see a biopic about Bob Dylan if they weren't a Dylan fan but the stupidity of the movie going public these days never ceases to amaze me. I guess if Dylan wore spandex tights and had laser beams shooting out of his eyes the people on this forum might give it a thumbs up. Sadly, most of them wouldn't know a good movie if hit them in the face.