22 Jump Street - Trailers & Videos

22 Jump Street - Restricted Trailer 2

67,108 Views | 2:39 | Uploaded on Apr 10, 2014

Thanks to the success of officers Jenko (Channing Tatum) and Schmidt (Jonah Hill), who went undercover as high school kids to take down a drug ring, the police department invests a lot of money in keeping the Jump Street program going. There's just one snag — the Koreans bought their church at 21 Jump Street back, so the police move the program's headquarters across the road to the Catholic church at 22 Jump Street.

Once again reporting to Captain Dickson (Ice Cube), the boys are assigned to go undercover at a local college. Their friendship takes a toll when Jenko shows interest in the football team while Schmidt breaks into the art major scene. In addition to cracking the case, they have to learn to have a mature relationship, if that's possible for these two overgrown adolescents.

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