The Apology - Official Trailer

671 Views | 2:24 | Uploaded on Dec 01, 2016

The official trailer for The Apology opens in Tokyo, where an elderly woman walks by a crowd and is pelted with insults and derogatory terms. Through her narration, it's revealed that as a young girl, she was taken from her family and enslaved as a "comfort woman" by Japan during WWII. This is Grandma Gil from South Korea.
As the trailer continues, we're taken to the Philippines where we meet another "comfort woman" named Grandma Adela. She was 14 when she was plucked from her family. We also meet Grandma Cao of China. The three women share their tragic stories of rape and abuse, and express details of the never-ending fight to earn an official apology from the Japanese government for the atrocities they've endured.


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