Doppelgänger Paul Trailer

18,241 Views | 1:29 | Uploaded on May 28, 2013

Karl (Tygh Runyan), is a fiercely lonely would-be writer who has just had a near-death experience and is now fixated on the last person he saw before blacking out: Paul (Brad Dryborough), a frustrated and equally alienated former copy editor whom Karl believes to be his exact double.

After a series of comically polite and solicitous notes, the two arrange to meet. It doesn't exactly go swimmingly, but Paul does agree to look over Karl's 20,000-page manuscript, entitled A Book About How Much I Hate Myself.

When months pass and he hears nothing, Karl moves on—until he discovers other people promoting a book curiously like his on a local television talk show. Determined to expose the plagia­rists, Karl demands that Paul drive him to Portland to intercept the imposters on their book tour.


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