Bright Lights Trailer

825 Views | 1:53 | Uploaded on Jan 04, 2017

Before Carrie Fisher and her mother, Debbie Reynolds, passed away within a day of each other in December 2016, they'd been working on an HBO documentary titled Bright Lights. In the trailer for the TV movie, we see Carrie bringing her mother, who lives next door, a tray of food. We get a glimpse into their close knit relationship, as Carrie teases Debbie about using an old cell phone, while Debbie cheekily replies, "It works fine. Just dandy." Carrie worries aloud about her mother not being in good health, while her brother Todd Fisher tells us his family could overwhelm most people. We're shown clips of Debbie and Carrie through the years, and finally, Carrie admits her mother is her best friend. 


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