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User rating: 3.20 Rate Theater

3688 S Redwood Road, West Valley, UT 84119

801-973-7088 | View Map

3.20 / 5

User rating: 3.20


  • General Experience User rating: 3
  • Concession User rating: 3
  • Cleanliness User rating: 4
  • Theatre Presentation User rating: 3
  • Customer Service User rating: 3


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Theater Reviews

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Redwood Drive-in seems to have lost its charm

August 17, 2023

There's something magical about Drive-in Theaters. At least there used to be. Drive-ins used to play two movies for the price of one. These days, you're lucky if you can find a double feature at the Redwood Drive-in. Most times, it's just a single movie wihich is sometimes played on multiple screens. I'm not understanding their playlist, if this is what the movie studios are demanding or if there is some other reason for this. When there isn't a double feature, I often feel cheated. Also the fact that the theater has 6 screens but only use four of them. The theater used to give a choice of 6 movies (12 if you stay for the second movie) to chose from. The variety and selection just isn't there anymore. Also, the theater used to play music before the movie started, and also at intermission before the second movie began. They no longer do this. Why? What happened to those cute intermission cartoons they used to show? The Redwood Drive-In used to list the movies which were playing on their large marquee out front. They no longer do this. Why? Is it too much trouble? Security at this drive-in is practically non-existant! Oh, you might see them standing around talking, outside the snack bar, but you never actually see them walking around the lot. Rules are no longer enforced at the Redwood Drive-in. It used to be that patrons were forbidden to allow their kids to sit on top of their vehicles, and for a very good reason; IT'S DANGEROUS!!! But I see parents allowing this sort of thing all the time! WHERE IS SECURITY??? Additionally, there used to be a rule that patrons in large vehicles such as trucks, vans, and SUV's weren't allowed to park in the front rows because the large vehicles block the people behind them. This rule is no longer enforced! WHY??? Many patrons who drive these big, bad 4x4's and SUVs are either completely clueless or inconsiderate of others. It seems management at the Redwood Drive-

  • General Experience User rating: 3
  • Concession User rating: 3
  • Cleanliness User rating: 4
  • Theatre Presentation User rating: 3
  • Customer Service User rating: 3
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