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User rating: 5.00 Rate Theater

4591 San Mateo Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109

505-494-5694 | View Map

5.00 / 5

User rating: 5.00


  • General Experience User rating: 5
  • Concession User rating: 5
  • Cleanliness User rating: 5
  • Theatre Presentation User rating: 5
  • Customer Service User rating: 5


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Theater Reviews

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Best movie theater ever!!

July 29, 2024

I take my grand daughter here all the time. The staff are always kind and patient, and willing to help no matter what. I like the concessions, you can refill the drinks and popcorn anytime. And the seating is recliners with a tray!! This place beats out the bigger theaters!! Can’t wait til they expand to 16 theaters!!😊👍💜

  • General Experience User rating: 5
  • Concession User rating: 5
  • Cleanliness User rating: 5
  • Theatre Presentation User rating: 5
  • Customer Service User rating: 5
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