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User rating: 5.00 Rate Theater

6711 Stage Rd., Bartlett, TN 38134

901-763-3456 | View Map

5.00 / 5

User rating: 5.00


  • General Experience User rating: 5
  • Concession User rating: 5
  • Cleanliness User rating: 5
  • Theatre Presentation User rating: 5
  • Customer Service User rating: 5


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Theater Reviews

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Comfortable seating, excellent sound, great concession

June 10, 2024

This is the most comfortable and clean theatre in West Tennessee. The sound system is excellent but not overpowering. The concession stand has a huge variety of food and snacks.

  • General Experience User rating: 5
  • Concession User rating: 5
  • Cleanliness User rating: 5
  • Theatre Presentation User rating: 5
  • Customer Service User rating: 5
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