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User rating: 4.33 Rate Theater

13100 North Prasada Parkway, Surprise, AZ 85388

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4.33 / 5

User rating: 4.33


  • General Experience User rating: 4.33333333333333
  • Concession User rating: 4.33333333333333
  • Cleanliness User rating: 4.33333333333333
  • Theatre Presentation User rating: 4.33333333333333
  • Customer Service User rating: 4.33333333333333


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Theater Reviews

Showing 1 to 2 of 2

Great Experience

July 26, 2024

We went to the first showtime of a new release and had a wonderful experience (1 adult, 2 kids). The theater seats were roomy and comfortable. We ordered the tickets and arcade deal, which was really fun for the kids after the movie.

  • General Experience User rating: 5
  • Concession User rating: 5
  • Cleanliness User rating: 5
  • Theatre Presentation User rating: 5
  • Customer Service User rating: 5

Great Experience

July 26, 2024

We went to the first showtime of a new release and had a wonderful experience (1 adult, 2 kids). The theater seats were roomy and comfortable. We ordered the tickets and arcade deal, which was really fun for the kids after the movie.

  • General Experience User rating: 5
  • Concession User rating: 5
  • Cleanliness User rating: 5
  • Theatre Presentation User rating: 5
  • Customer Service User rating: 5
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