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User rating: 4.20 Rate Theater

286 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA 01915

978-927-3100 | View Map

4.20 / 5

User rating: 4.20


  • General Experience User rating: 3
  • Concession User rating: 5
  • Cleanliness User rating: 5
  • Theatre Presentation User rating: 3
  • Customer Service User rating: 5


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Theater Reviews

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May 28, 2024

The Saturday nite show with Mr dreyfuss was a bit of a buzz kill It was supposed to be a fun nite out not a political forum you are entitled to your opinion but perhaps keep it to a minimum . Not what we paid for

  • General Experience User rating: 1
  • Concession User rating: 5
  • Cleanliness User rating: 5
  • Theatre Presentation User rating: 1
  • Customer Service User rating: 5

Remarkable variety of excellent shows

November 07, 2017

Every show my wife and I have seen at The Cabot has been an outstanding performance. Seats were roomy and comfortable. Sound was a little loud. Did not try any of the refreshments. Parking was ample and convenient.

  • General Experience User rating: 5
  • Concession User rating: 5
  • Cleanliness User rating: 5
  • Theatre Presentation User rating: 5
  • Customer Service User rating: 5
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