Louis Lombardi Videos


607 Views | 2:06 | Uploaded on Oct 22, 2013

Con artist Jake Vig (Burns) has just swindled thousands of dollars from Lionel Dolby with the help of his crew and two corrupt LAPD officers-Lloyd Whitworth (Logue) and Omar Manzano (Guzman). But when both cops turn up dead, Jake finds out that Lionel was crime boss Winston King’s (Hoffman) accountant.

Jake offers to repay "The King" by pulling off the biggest con of his career. The mark: a banker with deep ties to organized crime.

With so much riding on the outcome, Jake decides to bring in a brash, brunette pickpocket named Lily (Weisz). The first sign of trouble comes when Lily arrives for work with a head of freshly dyed red hair, a bad omen if ever there was one.

To make matters worse, Jake also must contend with his old nemesis, FBI agent Gunther Moonan (Garcia), The King's henchman Butch (Chestnut) and a double-crossing partner. Against these diminishing odds, Jake and his crew will have to stay one step ahead of both the criminals and the cops to finally settle their debt.

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